
Azm-e-nau is a campaign to affirm our convictions as Pakistanis. As crisis after crisis hit our nation and a huge part of it crumbles in face of ravaging waters, Azm-e-Nau is a pronouncement that we, the youth of nation, are ready to rebuild the nation after this disaster and bring together the scattered parts. For now, Azm-e-nau's entire effort is scattered upon the The First Initiative, which comprises sustaining the displaced flood victims. We are actively working to relay relief trips to afflicted regions and help our nation-fellows in this hour of need.

Mission and Objectives:
  • To sustain the internally displaced people in wake of the recent flood disasters and eventually, in the long-term, help them go back to their areas and get established. In this way, it's a two-prong objective: sustainability and reconstruction/development.
  • To reach out to the less fortunate who can't afford education and impart them education and skill through volunteer students, free of cost. This, we intend to do through establishment of unconventional rural schools.
  • To hold such events that shall increase awareness and a national conscience among the youth, thus bringing them into the fold of social activity.

Right now, our concentration is upon the first stage of The First Initiative. The First Initiative's first stage is about sustaining the huge populace that has been displaced by the floods and to aid these victims through food, medicine and other basic necessities. For this purpose, collections are being done, volunteers from medical universities are being contacted to set up medical camps for the affectees and address other daily-to-daily concerns of as vast a number of flood victims as possible.